La storia di Morrone del Sannio

I am looking for any information available on my father's family who came from the Morrone area. My dad's name was Pasquale and his siblings, Maria and Giuseppe. My
grandmother's name was Maria Fortunata Stinziani and my grandfather's name was Giuseppantonio Faccone. My grandfather apparently died in Italy and my grandmother immigrated to the US
through Ellis Island with the three children designated as a widow under the name of Stinziani in 1909 from Naples. Any information anyone could contribute would be greatly
appreciated. Thank you. JoAnn Faccone Paulson
Cerco qualunque informazioni disponibile sulla mia famiglia e su mio padre che è venuto dall'area di Morrone. Il nome del mio babbo era Pasquale ed i suoi fratelli, Maria e Giuseppe.
Il nome della mia nonna era Maria Fortunata Stinziani ed il nome del nonno era Giuseppantonio Faccone. Mio nonno è morto in Italia e mia nonna è immigrata agli Stati Uniti attraverso
l'Isola di Ellis con i tre bambini designati come una vedova sotto il nome di Stinziani nel 1909 da Napoli. Qualunque informazione sarebbe molto gradita.
Ringrazio. JoAnn Faccone Paulson
JoAnn Paulson
Indirizzo/i di posta elettronica:
Dear Giuseppe Buonviaggo,
Do you have the names of the people in your photo's?
The men with numbers above their head's and any others
you might know the names of.
I am interested in the surname's of Alfonso, Amoruso, Lanni and Saltarelli. My grandfather, Louis (Luigi Alfonso born 1895) to Giovanni and Maria (Amoruso, b. in Ripabottoni) Alfonso from Morrone nel Sannio, Italy.
His sister Rosa (married Fred Saltarelli) and Cristina (married Antonio Saltarelli) and his sister Kale (married Joe Lanni). My grandpa Louie gave the deed to his parents property to Joe and Kale Lannie's son in the
1960 time frame. His uncle was Raffaele Alfonso, cousin Giovanni Alphonso, cousin Angelo Antonio Alfonso. They all came to the U.S. in 1909 and 1910.
I see by your website all these surnames still live in Morrone del Sannio. I also see where Antonio Alfonso is a member of your city council.
Any information or pictures you can provide me would be wonderful and appreciated. If you would like, you may give my email address to any distant relative or someone who could help me.
You have a superb website and it is very informative.
Until I hear from you, Take Care.
Kathy Alfonso Vick
I am looking for any members of the Pitacciato family living in Morrone., My dad, Joseph, was born in
Morrone in 1909. Growing up, I remember many stories my dad told us about his hometown.
My email address is arlruss@aol.com
My name is Arline Russell, from Rhode Island, USA.
Cerco qualunque membro della famiglia Pitacciato che viva ancora a Morrone. Mio babbo, Joseph, era nato
in Morrone in 1909. Crescendo, ricordo molte storie che il mio babbo ci ha detto del suo paese natale.
Il mio indirizzo email è arlruss@aol.com.
Mi chiamo Arline Russell, da Rhode island, USA.