intense it results in the last years l' cultural activity of promotion Of
the files parochial. More immense it is in fact l' area of the persons that
show you interest to have access to the memory documentaries and more frequent
they are the questions, you advance to local level from the political and
cultural founding, of I publish l' importance Of the ecclesiastical sources.
Is not l' file parochial of S. Greater Maria still reorganized, is not possible,
to the moment, try to rebuild Organic the historical events-institutional
of the parochial. L' orientation givened to the search, so, it that was
it to supply useful elements to the knowledge of the typologies documentaries
that form l' file parochial, col it in I stand out l' you interest in connection
to the varied fields of search percorribili, they be are of legal order-institutional,
Or more religious prettamente, or of economical character-property, or of
demographic nature.
Also for questo I file the central point of the documentation
preserved is represented from the registers parochial of the baptism, marriages,
dead and from the books of the states of the It enlivens.
Sull' importance and on the typology of these documents,
that constitute the source Privileged for the study of the historical demography.
a lot already it was written. In the general lines will be said that you
are agreed to study the structure of the population (been d' souls), and
the natural motion of the same records of the baptism, marriages, dead),
the structure partner-economical. the familiar structure, the flows migratory,
The ancient toponomastica of the country.
Wanting alone to indicate all' importance represented from the registers
of the baptism in the field of the genealogical studies, it is useful to
remember that in Italy, in the previous period all' founding of the civil
state, that is of installation Napoleonic, l you are constituted' sole consecutive
record of the native. L' obligatory of their compilation, together to that
of the registers of the marriages. it tax was In 1563 from the Council of Trento.
Nell' file parochial of Morrone the registers of the
baptism preserve to leave themselves Dall' year 1616. From the given d'
beginning of the records. until all' year 1728,
The worn tongue is the Latin, subsequently that Italian.
All of the register I am furnished from an alphabetical indicator and they
present marks of cartulazione, deliberately almost Certainly in periods coeve to their compilation. Dall' year 1818, next to the records, it is
noted a progressive numbering that it is renewed periodic all' beginning
of every Individual year. Questo element, done not verify uniform in the
registers parochial of the diocese, it goes retained convincing in the formulation
dell' hypothesis that, nell' longed for territorial, much more it was warned
l' statistical requirement of compilations to check Of the fall or of the
growth of the birth rate. It does not be necessary to forget, in fact, that
in period Napoleonic, to leave from the end of 1807, the civil records and
those ecclesiastical they began to coexist in parallel and that l' civil
It kept watch on the capacity of the books parochial,
whose compiling and completezza constituted The first guarantee of a correct
installation of the civil state.
Other suggestions for the search, from esperire, for example, in the field
devotional, can be supplied from the ricorrenza of the name I plan to the
christening: the frequency dell' attribution can constitute l' evidence
of the Devotion heard and of the practices of religion exercised aside of
the community. Besides the registers of the baptism become precious source
of search also in the ricostruzione Of the series of the parroci succedutisi
in the care of the souls of the parrocchia. In fact from their shape redazionale,
changeable in the time until to become via generic road except for, it is
possible to point out, to begin from the second half of the century XVI,
relevant data not only to the fatherhood and maternity of the christening,
but also all' identity and qualification Canonica of the priest officiating.
Other fields d' valid inquiry and of raised social meaning
I am esplorabili in the registers of the marriages, documented nell' file
parochial of Morrone dall' year 1632, without solution of continuance, to
exception of the gap recorded For the period 1664-1685. Also for these records,
that dall you are furnished' indicator alphabetical to leave dall' year
1693, the tongue at first used is the Latin one, attested until 1752 (more
of a ventennio with respect to the baptism), subsequently L' Italian. In
analogies to how much it is checked in the certifications of the baptism,
them records of the marriages are numbered progressively for every individual
year, To begin dall' year 1818.
Three they are the important actions that precede the religious celebration
of the marriage: the sponsali, the publications and, esistendone The motive,
canonica distributes it. In our file parochial if preserve of it him Relevant
actions, documented in serious continuous chronological from 1819 to the
days ours. The material of the dispense, with the relevant data to the marriages
consanguine, constitutes useful source for the analysis on the «structure,
evolution in the time and effects of the consanguinity», like already was
shown from the risultanze of the specific search Conduct in Italy in other
territorial fields. The specific orientations of this inquiry have besides
put in light the not trascurabile element that the certifications of the
marriages, with the data of the marriages consanguine, can be used by the
study of the coefficient of migration and of cultural transmission, and
Interesting cue on the social behavior of a given community
can emerge From the comparison between the date of the sponsali and that
of the celebration of the relevant marriage.
These fields of search they are practicable also in the
documentation of our file Parochial, that results quite preserved.
A special connotation is then confer all' file from the
presence, in the marriage certifications, of a large series of actions bringing
the genealogical trees Of the "gotten engaged", strictly rebuilded until
the fourth generation.
To note it is, besides, l' use, verified in the almost
whole of the cases examined, dell' appositions of the nickname, added from
the parroco in the fit in which rebuilds the genealogical trees of the contractors
the marriage, for obvious purposes you identified, In a matter of homonymy
for affinity parental. This personal topology of certification, to perfect
Morrone preserved, it supplies complex possibility of verifications and
itself yourselves it the precious source also for all them possible uses,
in the field of the studies sociological and linguistic, of lexical elements
commune transmitted alone like sources Oral.
L' originality of some nicknames pushes to do us the
summons: «Pasta of the Tower, I rent some Cheese, Zoppo Fiorone, Straw of
Honeycombs, Cicata, Incassachiodi, Mincolongo, Bugitto, Cavallaro, Orecchiuto,
Cavarutto, Lucacchio, Priminterra, Malcervello, Rascione, Cervellone, Cocchiarone,
Squaglione, Carrafone, Cocciolillo, Cifello, Tormentone, Leader, Capoarso,
Cichetta, Ciafè, Cercola, Carolei, Bolt, Ferriello, Spezzaferri, Fruscillo,
Scarpariello, Barilaro, Paoliaio, Tambourines, Secchiaro, Massacalce, Boletta,
Lizard, Manomozza, Busciardo, Pellenera, Porchitto, Parcel, Scappafiato,
Blood of the morning, Ziocchio, Lifeless, Dentice, Gerba, Tranantiello,
Trapachiolo, Zirillo».
Quite preserved, between the marriage actions, they result
also the contrahatur, the authorizations to contract marriage, released
from the bishops succedutisi in the ministry Pastoral of the diocesi of
Larino, to begin from Raffaele Lupoli.
Besides to reveal interesting itself for the study of
the worn formulary, variable in the time like that of the registers of the
marriages, these documents, since restore imprinted the stemma vescovile,
offer further supplementary elements, useful for the study of the pastoral
finality of the individual bishops, expressed across l' allegory of the simbologia Ecclesiastical.
In this short disamina of the books parochial, for how much it sticks then
to the compilation of the registers of the dead, it is useful to remember
that be, together to that of the been d' souls, Apostolicae Sedis
and that the normative one that the capacity regulated of it was sanctioned
from the Ritual Romanum. From specialized studies conducts in the
area in Italy, col put to comparison l' beginning of the other records,
is emerged that the compilation of the book of the dead it has proposition
a certain regularity about twenty years after that of the baptism And of
the marriages. From a monitoring lead on the books parochial dell' whole
diocese The same it is emerged givened.
In the specific case dell' file parochial of Morrone,
the register of the dead more ancient, preserved, it goes back all' year
1636: its compilation results therefore rear of twenty years with respect
to that of the baptism, of alone four with respect to That of the marriages.
Besides, all' analysis of the datazione dell' whole series, It is verified
a gap for the period 1664-1687. The scarcity of continuance verified also
in the records of the marriages for the same ventennio (for the precisione
for the years 1664-1685), countered to the presence, for the same period,
of the registers of the baptism, it constitutes l' convincing evidence of
a secure dispersal of the registers Of the marriages and of the dead relevant
to the period taken in examination. Also for the record Of the dead the
worn tongue is the Latin one, attested until 1707.
The registers, furnished from indicators to leave dall'
year 1693, present dall' year 1818 the same peculiarity of the progressive
numbering annual, recorded in the Notes of the baptism and of the marriages.
To want to do a rapid sign, finally, to the it will specify of these registers,
it is remembered that already authoritative was shown that the notes of
the causes of death, col supply information on the stagionalità of the illnesses,
on their incidence in relation all' environment, sull' course of the rate
of mortality, on the percentages of dead for bands of age, constitute sources
Precious for the study of the factors and of the proceeded dell' human adaptation.
The Ritual Romanum sent out rules dettagliate
also for the compilation of the Been some souls. It it consists in a registered
list of the inhabitants of a parochial, that the parroco compiled visiting,
house for house, with l' to note, variable in the Time and often from place
to place, the name, surname and age of each limb of the family. Native with
until pastoral prevalentemente, with the function of control dell' fulfillment
to the obligations sacramentali aside of the faithful, the states of the
souls, how was Effectively written from G. Of Taranto,
... they represent a source of incalculable value [as]
reflect the events Economical historian of origin, politics and accidental...()
of a community.
The series of the been d' souls preserved nell' file
parochial of Morrone dall it is documented' year 1702 all' year 1870, with
some solutions of continuance
A their comprehensive examination agrould to be able
to confirm the large importance that, in general, this typology documentaria
retailed, already from the same one Of Taranto put in light with large incisive nell' assertion that
... the painting [from you are supplied is] a' image
of the historical conditions of the time; in its deformity territorial
and in its changes of it riflette the variety And the changes.
All' examination autoptico of the texts is verified that
the families second are listed the houses accommodating, located in the
context topographic of the parrocchia, defined variable «Satisfied», «contrada»,
«quartiere», «vico». The indications riscontrabili in the been d' it enlivens
of Morrone, compiled until all' year 1742 with prevailing religious and
pastoral purposes they broaden themselves, for l' whole period that it is
extended dall' year 1749 until all' year 1809, With l' elencazione «in person,
is city that foreigners, that live in lease».
The summons, together to the note of the total number
of the inhabitants, distinguished for sex, it constitutes an evidence not trascurabile of the fact that, also for the parroci of Morrone, the compilation
of the registers answered to explicit statistical requests of surveys Deliberate dall' civil authority. In fact sappiamo that
The problem of the survey of the population [was] wide
heard like problem Conoscitivo-statistical from the second half of the
century XVIII. The State ... () not always it arranged some operating
tools suitable to the operations censuarie, so that in a lot cases l'
civil authority individualized the parochial like district of survey of
the data of population ... , () using, like document of base, l' installation
of the D been' souls, compiled from the parroci.
Of comfort to this stretched out itself yourselves it it the reading of
the statuti sent out for the clergy of Morrone nell' year 1830, with l'
to offer us valid You verify in the chapter in which they the fulfillments
of concern define themselves dell' arciprete. Besides the correct compilation
of the books parochial and of the book of the constitutions sinodali, the
parroco was held to form annually the state of the population and to to
stick itself conscientiously to all of the fulfillments requests, col
... to send it the summary in every month of March
to the Treats vescovile, like to the Under-Intendenza Of the District
of Larino, giusta the last Sovereign dispositions.
But all returning' examination of the been d' souls,
other administrative finality of use and fiscal I am riscontrabili in the
elencazioni of the «persons privileged, artists and absent persons» of the
years 1794-1795; in the relevant notes to the conditions of health, titles
of proprietor and professions of the components the familiar unit of the
years 1810, 1813, 1817; in the relevant notes to the civil condition and
age of the years 1842, 1848-1849, integrated, nell' year 1851, from the
note of the profession; in the relevant notes, finally, to the civil condition,
title of property and profession of the years from 1853 to 1859, of the
years 1862, 1864, 1865 and of the years from 1867 to 1870, the as all supply
us the total number of the «landowners, employed to liberal art, Preti,
frati, nuns, peasants, artieri and domestic, you beg».
Other useful elements for the formation of a painting
d' together in the field of the search demographic I am individuabili nell'
list of the «individuals we wander» compiled nell' year 1819, in the «alphabetical
table annual of the citizens and foreigners that live in I rent» outlined
in the years 1824, 1828 and 1851, in the «table for serves, boys and orphans
that have not fixed residence» dell' year 1828, in the lists, finally, of
the «Persons domiciliate in the country», compiled dall' year 1856 all'
year 1870.
Precious depositions, then, to the end of the states individuazione in local field and temporal of important religious orders,
are supplied from the lists of the components The convento of S. Nazario,
documented with rare solutions of continuance dall' year 1710 All' year
1859, and from the lists of the hermits residents in the rural church of
S. Maria of Casalpiano, in succession nearly continuous cronologica dall'
year 1715 all' year 1870.
It is timely, to questo I push, a reflection on the value
dell' registry ecclesiale Of the parrocchia of S. Greater Maria, that itself
not riduce to a simple certification, but it constitutes, with the rigorosità
of the record, critical matter of evaluation for the scholars in the recupero
of the historical memory of the community ecclesiale and of the Civil society
of our region.
But other they are the depositions documentarie preserved
nell' file parochial, that they supply precious data for the study of the
presence of the Church in the reality Local.
L' attentive reading of the statuti and of the editti,
sent out in different periods for regolamentare the inside life of the clergy,
together to that of the pastoral visits and of the constitutions sinodali,
agrees inquiries conoscitive on the legal and institutional nature dell'
Authority, as well as deepening in more squeezed fields of order religious.
The constitutions sinodali sent out in 1637 from the bishop Persio Caracci
... you transfer dall' Latin original in vulgar tongue
for commodità of the Parochi et Clergies for them to the people...
they constitute l' more ancient example preserved in
file of this tipologia Of documentation, arrived until the times ours in
the garment of cartulario. The reading of this source, compared with that
of the successive constitutions sinodali, documented actually all' year
1940, itself yourselves it it of leading importance for the comprensione,
in its Complex appearance, of the role I turn from the church of S. Greater
Maria in local field, from the relations of the clergy with the diocesi,
to those of the clergy with the community, to the pastoralità Of the bishop.
An exemplification of like some of these sources they
be useful to acquire knowledge I specify on the nature, you work and finality
dell' Authority is supplied from the reading of the Statuti.
The depositions written of whom itself dispone, that
already all' period of the compilation of the statute sent out nell' year
1729 did not agree, of to establish with certainty
...for l' negligence and trascuraggine of the past
... times () doing not find itself in the ancient writing ...or some memory
File our
L' period dell' edification of the church of S. Greater
Maria, neither that of the its founding to parrocchia arcipretale, us tramandano
memory of its likely erection in ricettizia, to work of the bishop Veils, nell' year 1596, year in which, founded the clergy, furono destined to the
service of the coro, beyond l' arciprete, five porzionari ; it did part
of the other clergy four presbiteri, two diaconi and a suddiacono, that
They lived in common mass.
Certainly nell' year 1698 the church of S. Greater Maria
should have already formed Its plans and the statuti. The summonses testify
it riscontrabili in the statuti sent out nell' year 1830 from the bishop Vincenzo The Fortress:
Although it is not had certain memory dell' origin
of the title of this Church, we point out nevertheless from the authentic
actions of the bishops suffraganei of the Urban Church of Benevento presented
to the Provincial Councils celebrated under of the it was Cardinale Archbishop
Orsini then Pope XIII, that in such Councils developed furono already
the Plans and Statuti of the Churches of the Diocesi Beneventana in Kingdom
and suffraganee with spacious Real assent of the King Carlo TWO of Spain
to october 26 1698
The measure of monsignor The Fortress, proposition in
observance of the sovereign dispositions contained in the Plan approved
from Ferdinando THE for all the churches of the Kingdom, brought it modifies
to the statuti sent out precedentemente from the bishop Giovanni Andrea
Trio, during the holy visit of december 6 1729 and observed in their full
vitality until may 27 1830.
From this date the articles of the preesistenti statuti
furono reduced to the new body of seventeen general articles The number
of the canonici was reduced participants, beyond l' arciprete, held to manage
the revenues in common mass, for means of A prosecutor elected between the
participants of the same clergy. Subsequently the number Of the preti to
Morrone went away via riducendosi.
The same source, col supply dettagliate descriptions
of the sacred paramenti to use Of the clergy, itself yourselves it the precious
also for the study of the story of the liturgia. L' clothing unanimous,
that according to the dictated normative of 1729 consisted in the simple
fur, or «cooked» to use of everything the ecclesiastical and to exclusion
dell' arciprete, that was able to honor itself of the "muzzetta of purple
color, covered d' armosino cremisi with cappuccetto and of above the muzzetta
the stola», comes changed in the shape in the dispositions statutarie dell'
year 1830, where it is read
Their unanimous clothing, beyond the continuous black
... talare (), consists nell' use of the rocchetto, or it is cooked with
the long sleeves more acconce, and in the mozzetta rossacea col I turn
of white skin, goddess armellino, giusta the quick Bubble from the bishop Bandini Equipped of Real assent of 2 and 24 July 1801.
But to want to advise other itineraries of search, there
seems useful signal the presence, in the statuti dell' year 1729, of some
useful elements to the study dell' existence, In the territory molisano,
of some institutes monastici that the Convento of S. Roberto Of the Celestial
and the Badia of S. Maria of Casalpiano, for that it is stated that was
in last Convento of the Fathers Teotonici
L' an and l' other corporation mail come «in the limited one and jurisditione
of Morrone» in the chapter in which the right define themselves Of concern
of the clergy. To run the document it is extracted also l' information that
Nell' year 1729 in the church of S. Greater Maria existed the Hats of S.
Modest, Of S. Giuseppe, of S. Maria of Costantinopoli, of S. Antonio of
Padua in which the clergy, with the confirmation of the treats vescovile,
put into practice the jus of to elect the prosecutors In the respective
days onomastici.
Of not smaller interest the relevant deposition to the
habit, d' use nell' university of Morrone like in a lot of other of our diocesi, of «to pay the scommodo» Of an annual sum of ducati «to the porzionali
of the Clergy for the Mass in Dawn».
Much interesting for economical inquiries of story they
reveal themselves still the with regard data to the property regime of the
church, riscontrabili in the step in which, in the to define the you spell
out of concern of the prosecutor of the clergy, it is supplied, between
l' other, a dettagliata description of the formal procedure of collection
of the tenth prediali,
....the as they consist in grain tantum, have
to ... () intieramente itself according to l' ancient inveterate never introdotta, neither ever contradicted costumanza of this Land, that is
the following one: In this Land of Morrone is paid the tenth one, it leaves
for raggione d' animals that is to say who possiede Bovi and Cows aratorie,
leaves for reason of who it sows with the zappa and Bovi in lease and
part for reason of Personnel that not They sow. With distinction however,
that them Massari, that sow with them Bovi and Cows aratorie they pay
of alone grain tommola five and means for protects of Bovi and the half
for protects Of Cows for the tenth goddess. Them bracciali that sow with
the zappe or with Bovi in I rent, they pay absolute the tenth one of the
grain, and not of other vittovaglia to the reason D' every ten one. Them
personal than they do not sow, they pay a carlo for ciascheduno. These
I am those that they sow in the district of the land of Morrone. Those
that they sow Fuor of the district of the Land of Morrone pay d' every
twenty one. Them forastieri that they come to to sow within the land goddess
of district of Morrone, pay still to the You reason d' every twenty one.
All the tenth have to in unistesso fundaco to restrict itself...
To the meticulous descrying of the obligations it you
plan the prosecutor for the collection of the tenth and to the detailed elencazione of the sums to divide itself, they add themselves other elements
that reveal themselves essential for the study of the problems of administration
local dell' university of Morrone, relatively to the compilation annual
of the catasti that the «Regimento dell' University» should compile annually
in the month of June :
... The principal Treats Our delli Prosecutors, consists nell' assistance and vigilance it says' Bovi and Cows Aratorie, that has
to the Regimento of this Land consignare It notes authentic, in the dì
of the Circoncisione of the Mister to aforementioned Prosecutors of everything
them Bovì and Cows similar aratorie are recorded in the Catasto that annually
itself it does from aforementioned Regimento, and to form the end of the
Month of June Notes distinguished of everything them City bracciali and
Forastieri that sow in the district of this Land of Morrone, how too the
Note of everything those that do not sow, that pay a carlo for cíascheduno,
that vulgarly they call Personal...
The sources dell' file parochial of Morrone I am utilizzabili
also for the knowledge of the cycles awkward agiografici to the religion
of the Holy and to the celebration of the relevant parties, Of the local
rites and dell' evolution of the shapes of religion. Nell' year 1729 the
community Of Morrone was special devota to S. Roberto and to the Virgin
of the Rosary. But of large importance for the knowledge of the appearance devozionali across which themselves It expressed the religiosità populate
is the memory of the religion dell' Crowned. Founded june 20 1801 common
col approval of the clergy, the festività in reality was been already some introdotta years first from the community, that celebrated it with rite processionale Nell' last sunday of April. Wanting the citizens of Morrone
to propagate it the religion, decided to take on itself l' burden of the
necessary expenditures all' ottenimento, aside of the sovereign, of the
«Signs for the Clergy» col agreement to it I plan some celebration Of the
ceremony in perpetual.
The source from which is discusses itself this memory
is the «Book of the Conclusions», that is to say the decisions taken from
the college canonicale for the renewal of the offies to the varied offices
And in the matters of ordinary administration. Besides to reveal itself
useful for the knowledge dell' inside organization of the clergy and of
the formal procedure of appointment and of meeting of the its limb, be, col tramandare memory of other events that involved the community of Morrone
in remote periods and meagerly documented, itself yourselves it the source
of incomparable Value, also in other fields of search.
An attentive reading of its pages agrees the study of
the manufactured articles and dell' Artigianato dell' period. In fact col
tramandare the memory of the decision proposition from the clergy in the
July 1801 of to perfect the sound dell' organ with l' additional dell' «octave
extended», it agrees to know the name dell' craftsman prescelto (that results
to be the beneventano Gaetano Abete), informs sull' attentive evaluation
of the relevant burdens of expenditure, done ... « behind a demanded I inform
of how much it could cost ... », it gives news of the financial problems
of character confronted from the clergy for the payment dell' work, in part
resolved with the offers distributed from «some pii and well-to-do devoti»,
supplies the knowledge, finally, of the successive inconveniences suffered
because of incomprehensions risen up col teacher organaro and of the determination
proposition, in the September 1806, of to entrust the improvement dell'
work to Giuseppe Diamond Mascia, organaro of Agnone,
... affinchè the imperfect work finisca of to be total
useless with detriment of the Church ...
The reading of other sources documentarie, that the convenzioni
stipulate in the years successive for the maintenance and revision dell'
organ, integrated from the reading of the abilities performed for the ricostruzione
of some parts of the manufactured article, agrees us of ripercorrere, in
detailed manner, all the phases of the successive interventions of ripulitura,
I reconcile and I restore that which is necessary to the musical tool, and
entrusted, in the course of eighty years, to the Mascia of Agnone
Of not smaller interest the relevant news to the injury
provoked to the campanile from the earthquake of july 26 1805, those with
regard all' custody of the intense activities of I restore of the managers
of the Via crucis nell' year 1859 to Eustachio you Calm, "ritrattista" of
Campobasso, the news, finally, relevant to the ability performed sull' ecclesiastical
building nell' Year 1880 «for urgent reparations».
A more attentive reading, for its certain importance, deserould the documentation Relevant to the regime beneficiary and property
of the church.
The inventories they are the mirror of the property situation
and therefore represent a spy privileged for the knowledge of the life dell'
authority, in its varied phases Of prestige or of decline.
But without to enter in the merit of complex property
evaluations we limit to ourselves it signal the presence of the «maps of
the Clergy» and of the «Been some Church», documented Dall' year 1818 all'
year 1833.
It avoids not to signal, also for the mention of the
numerous founding in be listed, a platea of the territories of relevance,
beyond that of the clergy, of ancient Founding that the Hats of S. Modest
and of S. Rocco, the Confraternita of the Ss. Rosary, the Churches of S.
Daisy, of S. Blessed, of S. Onofrio, of S. I mark, of the Ss. Annunziata,
of S. Giusta, of S. Antonio, «united to the clergy», as well as dell' Hospital
Of Morrone.
The moderate unwinding dell' preeminent activity to give
development to the public religion of some between the associations confraternali
operating in Morrone in the course of the century XVIII is, between l' other,
documented from the accounts given back from the prosecutor of the Hat of
S. Maria of Costantinopoli and from the accounts books of administration,
edited from the prosecutor Of the Congregazione of the Ss. Rosary, raised
in the church of S. Giacorno.
The reading of other depositions documentarie preserved
in file, col supply useful elements to the knowledge dell' activity carried
out caritativa from the associations laicali operating in Morrone, it agrould
a more entire sight dell' organization Nun and social of the community.
It is done a rapid hint, to tal resolution, to the sustained
expenditures from the prosecutor of the Sacred Mountain dell' Hospital for
it «provigione to the spedaliero», for it «limosina to Lutherans, Calvinisti,
that I am itself itself to the Belief», and for it «limosina to different
citizens Needy and vergognosi», documented for the years 1781-1782.
But l' exercise dell' activity caritativa, performed towards the needy dall'
Hospital of Morrone it is developed already from about A century. Ce the
test supplies of it documentale an inventory of the assets, edited in shape
It publishes nell' year 1692. Beyond all' relevant information all' ancient,
but not stated given of founding, aside dell' University, dell' «Hospital
... () acciò them live pilgrims», the document supplies a dettagliata description
dell' location dell' building, its strutturazione, tipologia of the arredi
and nature of the territories To it belonging.
In conclusion, in the hope of to have supplied the essential
elements to the comprensione of the spacious potenzialità of search insite
in these ecclesiastical sources, senz is able' Other to affirm that l' file
parochial of S. Greater Maria constitutes a property Documentario of certain
usefulness for it safeguards some historical memory local.
Lucia Di Santo

I discuss from the book: Fit the meeting
of study Morrone del Sannio 9 Agosto1996.
Ministry for the assets and the cultural activity, Sovrintendenza archivistica
for the Molise, Campobasso