6.879 km the territory of Morrone lies on the Celano-Foggia grazing route.
This distance is equal to 3541 passo napoletano’s (1 passo = 194 cm.) The
total length of the Celano-Foggia grazing route is 81.76 km. The transhumance
happens in May from Foggia to Celano and in September from Celano to Foggia.
The festival of S. Michele (May 8th) signaled the departure
from Foggia while September 29th marked the beginning of the return to Foggia.
In 1650 the land surveyors came to again check the boundaries (a reinstatement),
and they detailed the grazing route.
The grazing route begins at the Biferno river in the
town of Pataffio
(anciently called Epitaffio pietra miliare) After having crossed Colle Bianco,
Colle Tentacalippo, Policarpio, one sees the roads for Castellino, S. Maria
Casalpiano and Petrella; one then passes by the possessions of the Colasurdo’s,
Colle Stefano, Vallone delle Lame and Colle dell’angelo, the road that leads
from Campobasso to Morrone and Cancello della Corte St., Puzzacchio St.,
Vallone Vaccareccia and Vallone Russino, which marks the border between
Morrone and Ripabottoni.
In 1770, as a result of violent cloudbursts and the consequential
landslides, the grazing route was diverted to Epitaffio, Colle Bianco, Serra
Guardiola, Arianotte, Fonte Capelli, Colle delli Cesli, Colle di Creta Rossa,
Campo di Lago St., S. Nazzario St., Ara di Chiano Izzo, Colle detto Ferrari,
Fonte del Piscaturo, Masseria Scipione Sano, S. Michele Vecchio (Ripabottoni)