1612 –
n the regia prammatica (a Medieval constitution) the Kingdom’s troops
and their circumstances are described in great detail. For the financial
upkeep of the infantry Morrone was taxed 994 ducati, a hefty sum for that
1675 -
he following Morronesi were condemned as a result of banditry or brigadery: Franceso Caccarone, Matteo di Felice, Matteo dello Villano, Marzio
di Felice, Lonardo Ciccone (called Fortuna).
1807 –
y decree of the government ecclesiastical benefits were abolished
throughout the entire kingdom.
1817 –
he law ordered the construction of the cemetery, a mile outside
the town center.
1828 –
gragnola (violent hail storm) lasted 15 minutes and destroyed the
countryside. The smallest hailstones were the size of hazelnuts.
1874 –
n a plot near a chapel (owned by Nicola Oto) a storage
room filled with nearly 10,000 ancient silver coins was discovered.