1612 –n the regia prammatica (a Medieval constitution) the Kingdom’s troops
and their circumstances are described in great detail. For the financial
upkeep of the infantry Morrone was taxed 994 ducati, a hefty sum for that
1675 -
he following Morronesi were condemned as a result of banditry or brigadery: Franceso Caccarone, Matteo di Felice, Matteo dello Villano, Marzio
di Felice, Lonardo Ciccone (called Fortuna).
1807 –
y decree of the government ecclesiastical benefits were abolished
throughout the entire kingdom.
1817 –
he law ordered the construction of the cemetery, a mile outside
the town center.
1828 –
gragnola (violent hail storm) lasted 15 minutes and destroyed the
countryside. The smallest hailstones were the size of hazelnuts.
1874 –n a plot near a chapel (owned by Nicola Oto) a storage
room filled with nearly 10,000 ancient silver coins was discovered.