is a tavoletta of bronze, of the dimensions of centimeters 28x16,5, equipped
of a handle. At present it is found to the British Museum of London. It
is the most important enrolment in tongue osca, after the Cippo Abellano
and laTabula Bantina of greater length, risalente about to 250 to. C. to
judge from
the shape of the letters. The enrolments on the table, quite readable and
carved deeply, they are mail on both the facades. The before it contains
25 lines and the second one 23 lines. The first facade discusses of
a sacred enclosure, a sanctuary dedicated to Cerere, where religious ceremonies
develop themselves. These religions have place during the course of the
year in days established for 15 divinità listed later on. Then the enrolment
yourselves it it that to the inside of questo I enclose sacred, every two
years, on the ara of the fire will have place the ceremony. Therefore it
comes attested that every year, to the time of the Floralia, I press the
sanctuary sacrifices to four divinità.
This facade in its together seems to indicate what happens either should
happen in the sanctuary a lot to seem relevant rules to its operation or
a ritual calendar.
In the other facade it comes stated that to the enclosure they belong the
altars dedicated to the divinità that come venerated to the inside of the
sanctuary. Then it is affirmed that the saahtum tefurum have to be on the
air ignaria. Therefore it comes attested that the sanctuary belongs to those
who pay the tenth one. Quest'altra these altra facade list, like an inventory,
what is of property of the sanctuary and the persons that can attend it
and that manage it.
The boschetto of Agnone should be situated in the neighborhoods of the Mountain
of the Cerro, between Capracotta and Agnone, where venne found the tavoletta
more of a century does. The locality (Source of the Romito) came called
still with the limit dialettale Uorte that is to say Garden, Hortus in Latin
and Horz on the tavoletta.
Questo place was dedicated to Kerres (Cerere) and the faithful paid a tenth
one for its care. It developed itself sacred processions in periods quite
defined. To finish rites lustrali came carried out halts I press everyone
of the fifteen present altars to the inside of the sacred garden. Every
two years is maintained lit a fire and did itself offers on an altar sacrificale.
Ceremonies to the of outside the sacred garden came celebrated for Flora,
processions with ritual halts in honor of four divinità.
The table of Agnone mention seventeen divinità and such number is the obvious
test that the Sanniti stretched out to the polilatria. All the divinità
have a link with the agriculture, the harvest and the fruits of the land,
underlined from the epithet Kerriiais (Cereal) that it is found after the
name of some of you are.
Of I continue they come listed the divinità named on the tavoletta:
Kerres - Cerere, the divinità to that was dedicated
the sacred area;
Evklui - Mercury or Takes, brother of Jupiter;
Futrei Kerriiai - Persefone gives birth of Demetra;
Anter Statai - Mater Been of the Itself;
Ammai Kerriiai - Demetra;
Diumpais Kerriiais - The Ninfee of the sources;
Liganakdikei Entrai - awkward Divinità to the vegetation and to the
Anafriis Kerriiuis - The Ninfee of the rains;
Maatuis Kerriiuis - Goddess italica dispensatrice of dew for the
Diuvei Verehasiui - Jupiter Virgator;
Diuvei Regaturei - Jupiter Pluvio;
Hereklui Kerriiui - Ercole;
Patanai Piistiai
Deivai Genetai - Hand Geneta;
Pernai Kerriiai Fluusai - Flora patron of the you sprout.
The element of greater outstanding is
the importance attributed to Kerres. The sacred area was at her titled and
all him of the venerated in that place were the same of the olimpo sannita
but in connection to the function that were prayed to develop: driven from Cerere, should support it in the propiziare the land and to protect it the
fruits. Therefore Kerres is the central point of the ritual monks that developed
themselves in the Sacred garden, agreed questo like symbol of everything
the lands cultivated, and is not a coincidence that the Table is been found
on the hill that today comes called Mountain of the Cerro and was realized
bronze, a metal that occupied a place of relief in the ritual in honor of Cerere.
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